Chia Seeds — Excellent Addition to Your Juices

Have you ever tried chia seeds? If you haven’t, this might be the best time to include them into your diet. They are so fun to use and require only a small effort on your side to prepare. Moreover, chia seeds mixed up with your favorite healthy juices might be the right combination to considerably improve your health. Ever since my family members and I discovered Chia seeds online, we never stopped being amazed as to how cool they are. In this post we are going to talk about how to use chia seeds in your everyday diet plan. But, let us see first what chia seeds are and how they can help. Chia seeds belong to the family with Latin name Salvia hispanica and are closely related to the common mint. This plant is native to South America. In Southern Mexico, they have been a part of their cuisine since centuries ago. They used to be so popular, that the Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs utilized them as a monetary means. They valued them for their ability to bring extra energy and stamina. In fact, in the language of the ancient Mayans chia means “strength”. It is said that only … Continue reading Chia Seeds — Excellent Addition to Your Juices